[Incf-ocns-software-wg] Welcoming Marcel to the post of Co-chair

Shailesh Appukuttan appukuttan.shailesh at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 15:18:45 CEST 2023

Hello everyone,

We had announced in March that we were looking for a new co-chair to
replace myself. I had been finding it difficult in recent months to devote
much time to the admin activities of the group, and was therefore keen to
have another member step-up to assume this role and help manage the WG.

Now that we are past the deadline for self-nominations, we are pleased to
officially invite Marcel Stimberg to the post of Co-Chair of the Software
WG. I would like to thank him again for showing interest and volunteering
for this post. I am confident the WG will benefit immensely with him and
Ankur as co-chairs. I will naturally continue to contribute as a member of
the WG.

Related info on the associated GitHub ticket:

A warm welcome to Marcel :-)

Shailesh Appukuttan
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