[Neuroinfo] THE VIRTUAL BRAIN Workshop - NODE#6

Tanya Brown tbrown at research.baycrest.org
Mon Jan 15 21:26:26 CET 2018


*Get up to speed about the fundamental principles of full brain network
modeling using the open-source neuroinformatics platform The Virtual Brain

*- 1 DAY WORKSHOP - <https://www.thevitrualbrain.org/node6>*

TVB enables biologically realistic modeling of network dynamics using
Connectome-based approaches across different brain scales.

Generate macroscopic neuroimaging signals including fMRI, intracranial and
stereotactic EEG, surface EEG and MEG for single subjects.

Personalized brain network models can be derived from an individual’s MRI

Researchers from different backgrounds can benefit from an integrative
software platform including a supporting framework for data management
(generation, organization, storage, integration and sharing) and a
simulation core written in Python. Applications to use cases in the healthy
and diseased brain are explicitly presented.


*Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin & Berlin Institute of Health
<https://goo.gl/maps/TGKGdGCGTw82>Charitéplatz 1
On Campus: Bonhoefferweg 3, Dept. Neurology
Berlin, 10117

*REGISTER HERE <http://www.thevirtualbrain.org/node6>*


   - *A generative model of the brain; **describing the building blocks of
   a brain network model*
   - *Interacting with TVB; **w**orking with the web UI, command line and
   scripting interfaces*
   - *Constructing personalized models from empirical data; **learn how to
   take your own data and model it within the framework of TVB.*
   - *Brain stimulation in TVB*
   - *Clinical applications of TVB*
   - *Hands-on session; **using the GUI and demo scripts to simulate
   epilepsy, stroke, brain stimulation and a mouse model.*

*After the workshop you should have a basic picture of how these models are
built, how they work, and what biological properties of a neural system
they represent. In addition, we will highlight several research topics that
can be explored using this tool.*

*The workshop is organized with interleaved oral presentation and hands-on
sessions. Attendants will have the time to ask questions. The hands-on
sessions will let you immediately apply the concepts from the lectures to
your simulations in TVB.*

*Refreshments will be available during the breaks and lunch will be


*Registration closes February 9th – claim your spot today!


*This workshop is organized and hosted by the TVB Team at **Charité
Universitätsmedizin Berlin <https://www.charite.de/en/> **and **Berlin
Institute of Health <https://www.bihealth.org/en/>*



*If you have any organizational questions,*

* please don't hesitate to send an email *

*to our local coordinator Paul Triebkorn <jan-paul.triebkorn at charite.de>.*

*We look forward to welcoming you,*

*​The TVB Team ​*

*Tanya Brown*
Program Manager - The Virtual Brain <http://thevirtualbrain.org>
Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest

416-785-2500 x 2782
tbrown at research.baycrest.org
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