[Neuroinfo] Human Brain Project / EBRAINS Call for Proposals for European neuroscientists at large for using ICEI e-infrastructure resources

Nikoleta Kiapidou nikoleta.kiapidou at bsc.es
Thu Jan 23 14:46:36 CET 2020

Dear all *

I am contacting you with regard to the Human Brain Project / EBRAINS 
Call for Proposals for European neuroscientists at large for using ICEI 
e-infrastructure resources.


/The Human Brain Project (HBP) offers in the context of the Interactive 
Computing E-Infrastructure (ICEI) project access to compute and storage 
resources of Fenix. With this call, European neuroscientists are invited 
to submit proposals for using these resources for research on topics in 
the broader scope of the HBP./

The HBP <https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/>is building a world-class 
research platform for brain research EBRAINS <https://ebrains.eu>. 
Within the HBP, the Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure (ICEI) 
project is building the Fenix computing infrastructure 
<https://fenix-ri.eu/>. It includes a distributed set of 
e-infrastructure services that are being federated within a single 
authentication and authorisation as well as user and resource management 
domain. The services encompass scalable compute, interactive compute and 
virtual machine services as well as active and archival data 
repositories, which can be combined according to user needs. 25% of the 
available ICEI resources are being made available through HBP. For an 
overview of the available resources see: 

Neuroscientists are invited to submit project proposals for using these 
resources. Applicants may be researchers of the HBP core project, of its 
Partnering Projects, EBRAINS services providers or other researchers and 
groups if they contribute to research topics and main objectives of the 
HBP, in particular:
●    Analysis of brain data leading to understanding brain function
●    Building multi-scale scaffold theory and models for the brain
●    Simulation of brain function
●    Brain-inspired computing, data analytics and robotics

The project results are expected to lead to a significant European 
added-value and major impact at international level. Proposals can be 
submitted at any time and will be considered for evaluation depending on 
resource availability. Applicants should target allocation of resources 
that do not exceed 12 months. Renewal of applications is possible if the 
project exceeds this period. Templates for proposals can be found *here 

Proposals will first be reviewed by the ICEI team for technical 
viability before being forwarded to the EBRAINS Infrastructure 
Allocation Committee (IAC) that manages the review for scientific 
excellence. Depending on the number of requested resources, awarding of 
the requested resources will be decided by HBP’s Directorate or the IAC. 
In case of more resources are being requested than can be allocated, a 
ranking will be performed based on the review results.

*Submission of proposals*: Please read all the details here 
complete the template for proposals 
and send it to icei-coord at fz-juelich.de. <mailto:icei-coord at fz-juelich.de>

Further information and support for preparing project proposals can be 
requested by sending an email to icei-coord at fz-juelich.de 
<mailto:icei-coord at fz-juelich.de>.

Kind regards,

Nikoleta Kiapidou

Nikoleta Kiapidou, PhD
Dissemination Officer
Research Support, Transfer, and Dissemination Unit
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
Nexus II, C/Jordi Girona 29
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. (+34) 9340 157 42
nikoleta.kiapidou at bsc.es


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