[Neuroinfo] INCF Virtual Town Hall Feb 11 & 12

Helena Ledmyr helena at incf.org
Thu Feb 6 20:43:37 CET 2025

 [apologies for cross posting]

At INCF we strive to serve the neuroscience community as best we can with
resources that facilitate open science, data sharing, and data management.
In order for us to be the most useful we can be, we need your input!

Next week we're hosting a Town Hall for our community to give us input on
what INCF should focus on in the coming years and we hope you will join us.

📅 We're hosting two time slots to accommodate for more time zones:
- Feb 11, 8am CET
- Feb 12, 8pm CET

Register for the Town Hall here: bit.ly/3Q2UWKx

If you're unable to join our virtual Town Halls we would very much
appreciate feedback in this survey, which is based on input from an
in-person Town Hall we organized during the INCF Assembly last year:

All the best,
Helena Ledmyr
Helena Ledmyr, PhD

*Development and Communications*

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Secretariat
Karolinska Institutet. Nobels väg 15A, SE-171 77 Stockholm. Sweden
Email: helena.ledmyr at incf.org
Phone: +46 8 524 870 35
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