[Neuroinfo] Call for Participation & Papers - ACAIN 2025 - 5th International Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 21-24 2025, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy -> Deadline: March 23
ICAS Organizing Committee
info at icas.cc
Fri Feb 7 10:20:59 CET 2025
Call for Participation & Call for Papers (apologies for multiple copies)
The 5th International Advanced *Course* & *Symposium* on Artificial
Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 21-24, 2025, Riva del Sole Resort &
SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy
W: https://acain2025.icas.events
E: acain at icas.cc
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ACAIN.LakeDistrict/
Symposium Deadlines:
Paper Submission (Symposium): by March 23 (AoE)
Course Deadlines:
Regular Registration (Course): by March 23 (AoE)
ACAIN: AI meets Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
The ACAIN symposium and course is an interdisciplinary event featuring
leading scientists from AI and Neuroscience, providing a special
opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research in the fields of AI,
Neuroscience, Neuroscience-Inspired AI, Human-Level AI, and Cognitive
The Advanced Course and Symposium on Artificial Intelligence &
Neuroscience (ACAIN) is a full-immersion four-day Course and Symposium in
Tuscany on cutting-edge advances in Artificial Intelligence and
Neuroscience with lectures delivered by world-renowned experts. The Course
provides a stimulating environment for academics, early career researchers,
Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. Participants will also have
the chance to present their results with oral talks or posters, and to
interact with their colleagues, in a convivial and productive environment.
Two days of keynote talks and oral presentations, the ACAIN Symposium,
(September 23-24), will be preceded by lectures of leading scientists, the
ACAIN Course, (September 21-22).
Bringing together AI and neuroscience promises to yield benefits for both
fields. The future impact and progress in both AI and Neuroscience will
strongly depend on continuous synergy, exchange, collaboration and
efficient cooperation between the two research communities. These are the
goals of the International Course and Symposium - ACAIN, which is aimed
both at AI experts with interests in Neuroscience and at neuroscientists
with an interest in AI. ACAIN accepts rigorous research that promotes and
fosters multidisciplinary interactions between artificial intelligence and
The Advanced Course is suited for scholars, academics, early career
researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders.
The Event (Course and Symposium) will involve a total of 36-40 hours of
lectures. Academically, this will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the
PhD Students and the Master Students attending the Event.
György Buzsáki, NYU Neuroscience Institute, New York University, USA
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Maneesh Sahani, University College London, UK
Jonathon Shlens, Google DeepMind, USA
Dimitra Thomaidou, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece
Marina Vidaki, University of Crete, Medical School, Crete, Greece
More Speakers TBA
SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM COMMITTEE (partial list, confirmed members):
ACAIN is a *Residential Conference*, all participants (invited speakers,
authors, organizers, chairs, participants) must book and stay at the Riva
del Sole Resort and Spa. No exceptions are allowed.
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
a: Località Riva del Sole - Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) CAP 58043,
Tuscany - Italy
p: +39-0564-928111
f: +39-0564-935607
e: booking.events at rivadelsole.it
w: www.rivadelsole.it/en
See you in Tuscany in September!
ACAIN Organizing Committee.
E: acain at icas.cc
W: https://acain2025.icas.events
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ACAIN.LakeDistrict
Obviously, this is only a Call for Participation & Call for Papers, to have
complete and updated information we recommend you access the relevant
website: https://acain2025.icas.events
* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested *
*8th Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning - ACDL 2025, **9**-13
June*, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) –
Tuscany, Italy
*An Interdisciplinary Residential Course: from Deep Learning to Generative
Artificial Intelligence*
*Early Registration: by February 23, 2025 (AoE)*
acdl at icas.cc
The Course is equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students and the
Master Students attending the Course.
*11th International Conference on Learning, Optimization and Data – LOD
2025, *21–24 September
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany,
lod at icas.cc
*5th Advanced Course ** and Symposium **on Artificial Intelligence and
Neuroscience – ACAIN 2025,* 21–24 September
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany,
acain at icas.cc
*Symposium **Author Registration Deadline: March 23 *
*Course Early Registration Deadline: March 23*
The Course is equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students and the
Master Students attending the Course.
*ICAS - The Interdisciplinary Centre of Advanced Studies*
*https://icas.cc/* <https://icas.cc/>
Il giorno ven 7 feb 2025 alle ore 10:19 Helena Ledmyr via Comp-neuro <
comp-neuro at lists.cnsorg.org> ha scritto:
> [apologies for cross posting]
> At INCF we strive to serve the neuroscience community as best we can with
> resources that facilitate open science, data sharing, and data management.
> In order for us to be the most useful we can be, we need your input!
> Next week we're hosting a Town Hall for our community to give us input on
> what INCF should focus on in the coming years and we hope you will join us.
> 📅 We're hosting two time slots to accommodate for more time zones:
> - Feb 11, 8am CET
> - Feb 12, 8pm CET
> Register for the Town Hall here: bit.ly/3Q2UWKx
> If you're unable to join our virtual Town Halls we would very much
> appreciate feedback in this survey, which is based on input from an
> in-person Town Hall we organized during the INCF Assembly last year:
> bit.ly/40BlrvI
> All the best,
> Helena Ledmyr
> -----------------------------
> Helena Ledmyr, PhD
> *Director*
> *Development and Communications*
> International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Secretariat
> Karolinska Institutet. Nobels väg 15A, SE-171 77 Stockholm. Sweden
> Email: helena.ledmyr at incf.org
> Phone: +46 8 524 870 35
> incf.org
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