[Nprc-editors] Important information for NPRC EiCs and publishers, and a request

Helena Ledmyr helena at incf.org
Fri Sep 8 15:26:21 CEST 2017

Dear NPRC editors-in-chief and publishers,

This email contains the following:

   1. information about the annual NPRC meeting at SfN in DC
   2. a request for suggested journals to approach about NPRC membership
   3. boilerplate text to inform editors and reviewers about NPRC
   4. link to NPRC advertisements to use on your websites

1. The annual NPRC meeting will take place on Monday, November 13 between
11am-noon in the Renaissance Washington hotel  (999 9th St, NW) in meeting
rooms:  12,13,14. We are as always grateful to SfN for providing us with
this venue. If you can't attend yourself, please try to send someone else
from your journal or publisher.

2. Please email me with your suggestions for non-member journals that you
think would be useful to have in the consortium and for you to be able to
send on manuscripts/reviews to.  I will then reach out to the journals with
information about the consortium. I have attached a list with current
member journals.

3. The best way to spread the word about the NPRC, and attract appropriate
manuscripts to use the NPRC, is for each EiC to send out a letter with
their own signature to their community (reviewers & authors).  I have
attached a boilerplate text for your convenience, please use this when you
inform manuscript submitters and reviewers about the possibilities of using
the NPRC cascade mechanism. Since many of you have assumed the role of EiC
long after your journal joined NPRC, I have attached the agreement that
journals sign with NPRC, for your information.

4. I have made a public folder containing web-ads in different sizes and
formats for you to use on your journal/publisher websites to promote the
consortium. Please let me know if there is anything else i can provide you
with for promotional purposes. The folder is available here:

I appreciate your feedback on the points above, and look forward to seeing
you at SfN in November!

All the best

Helena Ledmyr, PhD
*Head of Development and Communications*

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Secretariat
Karolinska Institutet. Nobels väg 15A, SE-171 77 Stockholm. Sweden
Email: helena.ledmyr at incf.org
Phone: +46 8 524 870 35
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